One of the most common questions that many couples ask before their wedding day is ”where should we go for photos” There are many choices for location photos in the Camden/Macarthur area, depending on the look and style of photos that you may want. The Macarthur district has many historic and rustic country venues through to ultra modern venues. You should also consider that much of the time what is in the background of the photo may well be out of focus or cropped to concentrate on the bride and groom in the pictures.
Here are 11 tips to keep in mind when researching wedding photo locations and their suitability.
As a guide: All parks in Campbelltown are free to use but require a booking to ensure photos do not clash with other public events that may be scheduled at the same time. Macarthur Park in Camden is the only park that requires a booking and has a fee required. All other parks in Camden area are free.
1. Locations should be large enough to accommodate your entire bridal party.
2. Most professional photographers will need at least an hour for photos but more time is ideal.
3. Make sure you have permission to be on the property
4. Make necessary bookings and/or pay necessary fees well in advance
5. Check out the options available for photography at your church or ceremony location and your reception. In many instances there is no need to travel to another location just for photos if you have a lovely church grounds and there is no other wedding booked in after your ceremony, you can make use of the church and it’s surrounds. In many cases reception venues have beautiful gardens to use for photography AND you have paid to be there already. Check with the reception venue that there is no other function booked in at the same time and what time you can arrive for photos
6. In the event of wet weather, alternative locations (with enough space for the entire bridal party) are the responsibility of the Bride and Groom. If you’re worried about the weather – have a location which does have access to shelter. The veranda of the reception venue or covered tree area may be suitable depending on how heavy the rain is.
7. Understand that to get stunning photographs, you and your wedding party’s co-operation is absolutely essential. Let your photographer guide and direct you after all this is what they do day in day out.
8. Some of the best locations may be on the side of the road on the way from the church to the reception. Go for a drive one weekend and keep your eyes open!
9. Go to a location that actually means something to you, like the park where you got engaged or the pub where you first met or then historic house you used to visit as a small child. This will give your phtos more meaning than just going to the local park because it was close to the reception.
10. Check out the sunset times and use them as a guide to set the times of your ceremony and photo shoot. Put in the hard work early then you’ll be able to kick back and enjoy your wedding day!
11.While some venues may have a charge associated with the use of a property and others may not It’s still a good idea to enquire before your wedding date.
11 Tips on how to choose Macarthur wedding photo locations | Camden wedding photographer